Tag Archives: jack leigh

A Record Setting Day and Other Ancedotes

28 Jun

Hi everyone,

I have very exciting news to report: since the last blog was posted I have been getting record amounts of people viewing my blog..how fun! One day it received 234 hits and then another day had 222 hits on the Banksy post alone.  That may seem like small potatoes but i am just glad the blog reaches more people than just my immediate family…hehehe. So now my blog has had over 3,000 hits since I first started. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

I wanted to share with you an idea I have been tossing around. As a recent college graduate, I have been doing the 9-5 job thing trying to figure out what to do with my degree and the rest of my life. I have had a recent offer to be an event planner and head of new membership for the private club I am employed by, a fun proposition, one that will certainly give me a good life in terms of paying bills and finding a nice place to live and it would also be something I would enjoy doing.

 But….I also have dreams of owning my own gallery. Something that I have been thinking about more and more. In fact there is a gallery space for sale in Savannah where the Jack Leigh Gallery had been operational since 1995. Something that I am very sad not to see on that corner anymore. For those of you who are not familiar with Jack Leigh he was a wonderful photographer best known for his photographs of “The Lowcountry” and of course The Bird Girl who graced the cover of Savannah’s main tourist attraction: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. After A Rain

Light bulb

Nancy\'s Shirt

two beds, two windows

I discovered Jack Leigh’s work like everyone else- on the cover of the book but when I took my photography classes I rediscovered his body of work and I think he is brilliant. The Two Windows, Two Beds is so simple but so beautiful and thoughtful. Thoughtful is also a good way to describe Nancy’s Shirt , there is just a longing and a peacefulness about that image. My favorite is the Light Bulb, Everytime I see that image I get taken a back, it is sooo simple but soo elegant and it just says so many things to me. I love it!!

So that was a long way of saying I really admire his work. Back to the gallery thought, I remember when his gallery closed almost a year ago. I felt like it was a loss for Savannah and for young and old photographers. As far as I know his darkroom was actually apart of the gallery and I find that endlessly fascinating. I have fantasies about reopening the gallery and using the darkroom to educate the community about darkroom processes and why it shouldn’t be forgotten. I was wondering if anyone out there in cyber world knew about how to deem a place historial based on a noteworthy person. Because I think that would be a great way to keep that building from being something else other than a gallery and educational center. If any body has ideas, or wants to invest ,or help me make up a business plan, please comment!!!!


I also wanted to note that all the pictures on this blog are Jack Leigh’s and pulled off Jack Leigh gallery online which can be found at http://www.jackleigh.com